Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Damages of thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking is a common habit among many children this may cause damage to children’s teeth. Thirty percent of preschool children’s continue this habit. Most kids out grow it by 5. It is may not be harmful unless the child is still doing it at the time their permanent teeth are coming in, which is usually around 4-6. The intensity of thumb sucking is a factor which determines whether or not dental problems may occur.  Vigorous thumb suckers will have more dental problems.
Many parents are worried about their children's thumb sucking habits. Here is an interesting case of one of our patient as narrated by her parents - “Doctor, my daughter is not able to chew from her front teeth,”  “Why what happened?” I enquired, “Has she got hurt?” “No, not exactly,” She ultimately got her daughter to our Dental Clinic few days later. Moment I saw 20 year old girl, I realized that due to her prolonged thumb sucking habit her upper and lower front teeth were not able to meet. This is typical side effect of continuous pressure of thumb on upper and lower front teeth. Parents should realize that once permanent teeth erupt- after the age of 6-7 yrs., the child should be taken away from various damaging habits like, thumb sucking habit, tongue thrusting, lower lip biting habit, mouth breathing habit. It has been proved that slow but continuous pressure leads to teeth going out of shape.

Front teeth not meeting
Huge gap between front teeth
Parents were worried whether her problem will get ever solved. There are two aspects in treating such patients. First, it is necessary to break the habit; followed by correction of damage already done. For breaking the habit appliance in Fig.3 is used.

Habit breaking appliance

Simultaneously, Braces – Fixed Orthodontic Appliances are used to correct damaging effect of thumb sucking habit.

The fixed braces were used for a period of 24 months. This has resulted in extremely pleasant outcome for the patient and family. Now patient is able to bite into any foodstuff .Generally speaking braces are almost painless. Patients are able to continue their normal activities comfortably. Normally they are called once a month for check- up or necessary treatment.

Get to know more about cosmetic dentistry at Wondersmiles Dental care.